As SSD attorneys, we have over 30 years of experience helping our clients win their SSDI and SSI cases. Ours is the oldest law firm in Utah to practice Social Security law. Contact our SSD law firm to put our legal experience to work for you. Our attorneys and staff work hard to give every one of our clients the benefit of our legal experience.
As your legal team, our goal is to ease the process of filing for and winning SSDI and SSI benefits. We will help you at each level of appeal. Also, we will work with you to obtain the medical evidence you need to prove that you deserve benefits. Learn what you need from your doctor to prove you the SSA should pay you benefits.
We help people from every walk of life. In other words, we represent coal miners, pilots, attorneys, teachers, and doctors. No matter what your job or physical or mental condition, we can help you at every appeal level.
We will also help you file your application for SSDI and SSI benefits. Also, we will appeal any denial from the SSA. Sometimes, it isn’t easy to answer all of Social Security’s questions. That is where we come in. Our attorneys and staff can help you understand what the SSA is really asking you about your mental and physical condition.
We can help you explain your medical condition and how to effects your ability to work a full time job. You need to replace your income to support your family. If you can no longer work due to illness, then we are your legal team.
To learn more about us, click on one of the links below.
We help you file your application for benefits and fill out SSA’s forms. You can file online on Social Security’s website. In addition, proving to the SSA that you should be paid benefits is why you hire us.
In the past 30 years, our attorneys have won thousands of cases at the hearing level. We also win cases at the Appeals Council and in Federal District Court. We work with our clients as part of a team effort. Therefore, we are very successful.
What do we mean by team effort? We mean that we can’t w
in your case without you. You must go to the doctor on a monthly basis. Also, you must ask you doctor to support your SSDI and SSI claim. If you don’t go to the doctor and get treatment, then we will not have the medical evidence to prove you cannot work. Therefore, part of winning your case is up to you.
Additionally, once you have an attorney, hearing preparation is key. Your attorney will prepare you to testify in court. Learn what questions the judge will ask at your hearing. Additionally, your attorney can help you understand the ALJ’s hearing decision.
Look at our record, we have won over 20,000 Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income cases. Better yet, over our 30 years in business, we have won over $100 million in ongoing and past due SSDI and SSI benefits for our clients. Why did all of those clients win their benefits? Because they worked with us as a team. They went to the doctor so we could get medical evidence of their severe mental and physical conditions.
Even though we put in a lot of effort, we don’t win every case. However, if we do not win your case, then we hope that your experience going through the Social Security review process is easier with our help.
We know what it takes to win SSDI and SSI cases with the SSA. For example, we know how important it is for you to find a supportive doctor. We also know how important it is to obtain your medical records. We explain all of the information you need to submit to win your case. Find out about the importance of medical records in your SSD case.
Above all, it is important to have the support of your doctor. We encourage you to have a good relationship with your doctor and ask for help in your case.
If you don’t have a doctor, then we will do our best to help you find low cost health clinic. You will need to prove to the SSA that they should pay you benefits for your medical condition. And for that, you need medical records. You will also need a statement about your mental and physical condition from your doctor.
You do not want to leave winning your SSD and SSI claim to chance. Your future income and your ability to support yourself and your family is at stake. Hire a law firm who keeps up to date on the law.
We are members of NOSSCR, which is a national organization that helps people seeking SSD and SSI benefits and their attorneys during the Social Security process. We attend NOSSCR conferences every year to make sure we are up to date on the law that effects your claim.
Also, as members of NOSSCR, we contact Congress to ask them to change SSA law in favor of you, our clients. It is disabled people that need help to make sure that the law will not take away their benefits.
Additionally, your ability to receive Medicaid and Medicare depends upon whether you win your SSD and SSI case. Medicaid benefits differ from state to state. However, you can learn about Medicaid benefits in your state.
Also, you can learn about your Medicare benefits. Andria Summers from our office can help you understand your Medicare advantage plan. She offers her Medicare advice for free, which is another service we provide for our clients.
You also need to be able to hire an attorney without worrying about whether or not you can pay the attorney fee. At Cannon Disability Law, we do not charge an attorney fee until you win benefits. Therefore, hiring us to represent you creates no financial risk for you. Again, you only pay an attorney fee when we win your SSD benefits.
Our firm will do everything we can to collect your medical records at no or low cost to you. However, we do charge you the costs that we incur during the time we represent you.
For example, this fee can include the charge of mailing or sending medical records through the mail. It also covers the cost of making copies of records. Additionally, it covers preparing and storing a copy of your file. However, most of your costs are simply paying your doctors for a copy of your medical records.
The costs of your case, especially getting your medical records, are yours to pay whether we win or lose your case. As stated, if there are costs in your claim, it is usually paying for medical records. The costs are usually less than $100.
At your SSA hearing, your medical records will be what the ALJ reviews to determine if you should win benefits. The ALJ may call a medical expert to testify about your medical records. Find out about the role of the medical expert at your hearing. If you do not have medical records, then you will not be able to win benefits. There may also be a job expert at your hearing. Learn about the role of the job expert at your hearing.
It usually costs money to obtain a copy of medical records. We will need a copy of all of your medical records. This includes records from Emergency Room visits, progress notes from visits to your doctor, and any hospital stays.
If you have any special tests, like an MRI, Xray, or EKG, then we need a copy of your tests. Likewise, we will also need records from your mental health counselor. If you have a psychologist, then we need those progress notes. Also, we need the progress notes from your primary care doctor. If you have any psychological testing, then we also need a copy of the test.
You should budget at least $100 to obtain a copy of your records. We will work with you to get copies of your records, but we will need your help. Sometimes, doctors will provide a free copy directly to you. Other times, they use an expensive company to send a copy of your records. Learn about the importance of medical records in your case.
We try to keep costs low for you by asking you to get your own records. If you cannot do it, then we will do it for you. When we obtain the records, you will need to pay the copy fee that the doctor charges. Learn what information your attorney needs to win your case.
If you worry about the cost of hiring our firm, then stop. We only charge an attorney fee if we win your SSD case. If we do not win your case, then you will not owe any attorney fee. You will still have to pay the costs of your claim. You must pay the costs if you win or lose your case. However, as noted above, we do what we can to make sure your costs are low. Most of the costs are paying for your medical records.
SSD attorney fees are set by law at 25% of your past due SSD benefits. There is also a “cap” or top limit to the attorney fee. For example, the attorney fee cap is $9200. The SSA raises the attorney fee cap over time. If we win your case, then we cannot charge more than the attorney fee cap. Normally, our fee is less than the maximum SSA attorney fee cap.
If we win, then you will pay whatever is less between the cap and 25% of the past due benefit. You pay which ever amount is the lower amount. And only if we win. If you have questions about attorney fees, then review Attorney Fees in SSD Cases.
Our attorney fee does go up if we appeal your case past the hearing stage. If you lose your hearing, then you can appeal to the Appeals Council.
The Appeals Council reviews appeals from all over the country. It can take months to obtain an answer from the Appeals Council. They have the option of denying review, which means they agree with the judge. Or, they can remand the case. This means they send the case back to the SSA judge to fix any mistakes. Finally, they can grant the case and award benefits. However, most often they deny review.
If the Appeals Council believes the judge has made a mistake, then they remand the case for another hearing. It is SSA’s policy to send the case back to the same judge. As you can imagine, another hearing in front of the same judge doesn’t usually change the outcome. Therefore, many clients choose to file a second application. However, filing a second application isn’t always an option.
If we appeal your case to the Appeals Council, then we will charge 25% of your back benefit. But, only if we win the case and the ALJ approves our fee. We also charge 25% of your past due benefit if we appeal your case to Federal Court. Additionally, you must pay the cost of the filing fee in Federal Court. Hopefully, you will win at the hearing and you won’t need to appeal.
Remember, try to collect your own medical records. If your doctor charges a fee to collect your records, then you will have to pay the bill. Most doctors are willing to provide you with your own medical records at no cost. However, if we have to collect the record for you, then there may be a fee. The fee your doctor charges for records is your responsibility, whether we win or lose the case.
Ask yourself when you hire a lawyer, what it is you are looking for. We think you should want a firm that you can work with and who cares about you. Also, find a firm who understands Social Security’s rules.
You must replace your income. Therefore, you need a law firm with experience on your side to win benefits.
Our main office is in Salt Lake City. But, we can represent you wherever you live. We represent clients in St. George, Las Vegas, and Cedar City. Find out about Utah SSD benefits.
Also, we represent clients in Nevada. Find out more about filing an application for Nevada SSI and SSDI benefits. In California, we represent clients in San Francisco, San Diego, and Sacramento. Learn about California SSI and SSDI benefits. In each of these states, we have a list of free and low cost clinics for both mental and physical conditions. That way anyone can find a doctor to help them with their SSDI benefits.
Likewise, we represent clients in Denver, Colorado Springs, and Grand Junction. Read about Colorado SSDI and SSI benefits. We are the best SSD attorneys near you. Find out about Idaho SSD benefits. Because we are on your team, you can rely on our legal experience to win your SSD benefits.