Past due SSD benefits are payments that almost every person who applies for Social Security Disability benefits (SSD) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits receives. Past due benefits are part of your benefit award. At our law firm, our goal is to win all of the benefits you deserve. This means we will try to win all of the past due benefits that you can get under the law.

Unfortunately, winning Social Security benefits takes time. Sometimes, it takes as long as two years to win SSD or SSI benefits. Therefore, the SSA will owe you past due benefits or backpay benefits. They will owe you this money because it is the payments they should have paid you at the time you filed your application.

Once you win benefits, you will also receive ongoing future benefits. Benefits that pay from the SSA decision forward are your future benefits. Future benefits end at your full retirement age. When you reach 67, your monthly benefit remains the same, but the name of your payment changes to retirement benefits.

Your past due SSD benefits go back in time and are tied to the date you filed your SSD application and the date you became unable to work. There are a number of factors that can change how far back in time you can go. This article reviews those factors. Particularly, whether or not your past due benefits can go back earlier than your application.

past due disability benefits