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At Cannon Disability Law, we visit many cities where we serve our clients. Even though we are Salt Lake City Social Security attorneys, we practice throughout the Intermountain West. We have attorneys who can practice in Utah, Idaho, Washington, California, and Nevada. If you need information about Idaho SSDI benefits, then you can find that on our website.

Likewise, you can find out about Utah SSDI and SSI benefits. If you need information about California SSDI and SSI benefits, then we have that for you.We also have Nevada SSD benefits information. Our goal is to give you as much information as you need to help you during the application process.

Colorado SSDI information can be found on this website too. We will travel to represent you at your Social Security hearing. Additionally, no matter where you live our attorney fee is the same. If we don’t win your case, then you don’t owe an attorney fee. You only pay if an attorney fee if we win your benefits.

When you contact our office, know that even though our main office is in Salt Lake City, Utah, we will represent you where you live. Likewise, if the SSA denies your case, then you can appeal. We will help you do that.

If you don’t win on appeal, then you can have a hearing with a Judge. The SSA will schedule your hearing at an office for hearings near the place you live. Therefore, we will travel to your home city to best represent you in your SSD case. There are also options for phone hearings. Likewise, sometimes the SSA holds video hearings. We can represent you in these types of hearings as well.

cities where we serve our clients


Our law firm can represent you no matter where you live. For example, our lawyers travel to all of the places on the following list. Likewise, if you cannot travel to the hearing, we can arrange for the judge to call you and have a hearing by telephone.

If you prefer, you can also have a video hearing. We always prefer to hold a hearing in person. However, that isn’t always possible. Here is a list of some of the places we can represent you:

  • Salt Lake City, Utah
  • St. George, Utah
  • Cedar City, Utah
  • Provo, Utah
  • Ogden, Utah
  • Logan, Utah
  • Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Reno, Nevada
  • San Diego, California
  • San Francisco, California
  • Oakland, California
  • Stockton, California
  • Pocatello, Idaho
  • Boise, Idaho
  • Twin Falls, Idaho
  • Seattle, Washington
  • Tacoma, Washington
  • Colorado Springs, Colorado
  • Denver, Colorado
  • Grand Junction, Colorado
  • Billings, Montana
  • Rock Springs, Wyoming
  • Evanston, Wyoming
  • Phoenix, Arizona
  • Portland, Oregon
  • Eugene, Oregon


If you don’t see the city where you live on this list, don’t worry. You are still living in a city where we serve clients. Even small cities have a Social Security office nearby. Hearings can also be held by phone or video. Therefore, we can also help you.

The Social Security Administration has hearing offices in many locations and states. These offices are listed on the Social Security website. Additionally, the SSA provides video hearings for people in more remote locations. If that isn’t an option, then you can have a phone hearing instead. It is your right to have a hearing with a Judge.

Additionally, you can receive money from the SSA for travel costs For example, if you have to travel more than 75 miles to a hearing site, then the SSA will send you a check to cover travel costs. For example, the check will pay for gas. Or, it will pay you a certain amount of money for every mile that you travel by car. However, if you hire us to represent you, then you do not need to pay for our travel costs.

attorneys at cannon disability law


If you have already have had a hearing and you need to be paid for your travel costs, then contact your local hearing office. They will give you the paperwork that you need to fill out and submit. If you need to contact your local hearing office for any reason, then here is a list of offices in your state:


Your hearing will be held at the Office of Hearing Operations (“OHO”).  You will receive notice of the time and place of the hearing about 30 days prior to the hearing. The judge will ask you questions. You are the main witness. The point of the hearing is for you to testify about your mental and physical symptoms and how they keep you from working.

The hearing is private. The court room is closed to the public. The only people who can come into your hearing, besides you, are the Judge and your attorney. After that, the judge may call a Medical Expert (“ME”), and a Vocational Expert (“VE”). There is also a court reporter recording the hearing. Learn information about what to expect at your hearing.

Most of the time, you will be the only witness at your court hearing. We do not usually call witnesses, like family members, to testify. We don’t do this because the ALJ will not give weight to the testimony of a family member. The reason for this is your family has an interest in you winning benefits.


If we do call a family member to testify, it is usually because you have a mental condition that makes is hard for you to testify. Mental conditions like schizophrenia can cause memory issues that make it difficult to testify. If you have delusions or hallucinations, then sometimes it is better for a family member to offer testimony. Your lawyer can guide you in this decision.

Likewise, if you have a seizure disorder, then sometimes it is hard to testify about them. Because it is hard to testify about an event you can’t remember. You may not know what is happening when you are having a seizure. However, you probably remember how you feel after a seizure. So, you can testify about that.

But a family member could testify about what happens to you during a seizure. They can talk about how long your seizures last. Also, they could testify if you fall down or bite your tongue during a seizure. Seizures are a good example of how family testimony can be useful and help you win your SSA benefits.


Our law firm has a team of attorneys and staff to represent you. We are experts in Social Security law. In the past 30 years, we have won over 20,000 SSDI and SSI cases. Additionally, we have won over $100 million in back benefits for our clients.

Our legal team will help you file your application for Social Security benefits. Likewise, we will help you complete your paperwork.  We cannot complete this paperwork for you, because the answers to SSA’s questions are about your life. However, we will help you do it.

Additionally, we will appeal any denials from the SSA. If we need to request a hearing in your case, we will do that too. Our legal team also has experience filing appeals to the Appeals Council and in Federal Court. Find out how to file an appeal in Federal Court.

When you hire us you don’t need to pay any money up front. We are only paid if we win your case. If we don’t win, then you do not owe an attorney fee.

However, our attorney fee does not include costs. You will be required to pay costs in your claim. Costs do not include travel. Instead, costs include things like a fee for medical records. Read information about possible costs.

In summary, you should contact us today to see if we can help you win your benefits. Put our legal experience to work for you and your family. Hire us to be your legal team.


The SSD attorneys and staff at our firm have over 30 years of experience winning SSD and SSI benefits. Our attorneys and also our staff work hard to provide every client with excellent legal help. As your legal team, our goal is to make winning benefits easy for you. You can learn about each of our attorneys on our About Us page.

You do not want to leave winning your benefits to chance. Your future income and also, your ability to support yourself and your family is at stake. Additionally, you need health insurance. Social Security benefits also include health insurance coverage in the form of Medicare and Medicaid benefits.

Hire a firm with national experience. We are also members of NOSSCR, which is the National Organization of Social Security Claimant’s Representatives. Our lawyers and staff attend NOSSCR conferences every year to make sure we are up to date on the law that effects your claim.


You do not need to try to win SSDI and SSI benefits by yourself. We can help file your SSD application. Also, we can help you appeal every SSA denial. That way, you can focus on your health. For example, our attorneys and staff can:

If you file your application for benefits online at Social Security’s website, then you have 6 months to complete the application. Once you submit your application online, the SSA sends you an application summary in the mail. You must sign the summary and mail it back. Send it in quickly.


Did you know that health insurance is part of your SSDI and SSI benefit? Well, it is. For example, if you get SSI benefits, you will also get Medicaid. Learn information about Medicaid benefits.

Similarly, Medicare benefits come with SSD benefits. You can learn more about Medicare benefits. Your ability to receive Medicaid and Medicare depends upon whether or not you win your SSD and SSI claim. Additionally, even your future retirement benefits can be at risk if you do not win benefits. Learn information about retirement benefits.

You also need to be able to hire an attorney without worrying about whether or not you can pay the attorney fee. At Cannon Disability Law, we work on a pay only if you win basis. This means if you do not win benefits, you do not owe an attorney fee. Therefore, hiring us creates no financial risk for you. Again, you only pay an attorney fee if we win your case. You have nothing to lose. But, you have everything to gain by calling us today. Now you know the cities where we serve our clients, contact us today and see how we can help you.


We are the only law firm helping SSD and SSI clients in the western US with over 30 years of experience. For example, we are one of the top SSD lawyers in the state of Utah.

We also help clients in many other states. For example, we have clients in Las Vegas, Nevada. We are also one of the top SSD lawyers in the state of Nevada. Find out  about our Nevada legal experience. We also have clients in Idaho, Colorado, and California. Idaho SSD benefits and Colorado SSD benefits are available for you. Additionally, we have California SSD benefits for your information.

Over the past few decades, we have won over 100 million dollars in ongoing and past due benefits for our clients. You can benefit from our experience. We’ll help you get your SSD benefit and fight for the benefits the SSA owes you under the law.

If you want to learn more about our lawyers, then read our About Us page. For instance, Andria Summers can help you choose your Medicare advantage plan. She has also won thousands of SSD cases. Dianna Cannon has won SSDI and SSI benefits for her clients for over thirty years. Brett Bunkall also has years of legal experience helping people obtain their benefits. Do what is best for you.  Hire the law firm with the most legal experience in Social Security law. Hire us today.



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