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Dianna Cannon


Dianna Cannon lawyer Salt Lake City UTDianna Cannon loves Social Security law. During the past 34 years, she has won thousands of SSDI and SSI cases. Also, she has won claims for miners filing for benefits under the Black Lung Act. She also represents clients who are seeking VA benefits.

She is a member of the National Organization of Social Security Claimant’s Representatives. Ms. Cannon was a member of the Board of Trustees at the S. J. Quinney College of Law. She is also an adjunct professor for the law school where she teaches Disability Law.

Recently, her colleagues voted for her as Utah’s Legal Elite in Utah Business Magazine. In 2019, Thomson Reuters published Dianna Cannon’s book, Social Security Disability Claims, Volumes 1 & 2. Her book is a guide for attorneys who want to practice Social Security Disability law. Every year, she updates the book with the new changes in the law.


Ms. Cannon’s interest in Social Security law began during law school. At that time, few firms were helping people file for SSD and SSI benefits. However, many people needed help because they were denied, even when they were sick. They were denied even if their medical condition kept them from working. Therefore, Ms. Cannon knew this was an important area of the law for many people.

For example, it doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor, you can have a medical condition that keeps you from working. Likewise, illness can impact your life no matter your gender, age, or education level. She knew law firms should help those who cannot work. Why? Because it is difficult to obtain SSD benefits through the SSA. The process is complex and takes a long time.

Therefore, in order to fight the SSA, you need a lawyer. But you also need a lawyer with specific experience. This means clients who can’t work due to a severe medical condition should hire an attorney. Additionally, they need to do it without coming up with a lot of money.

Cannon Disability Law was born to help those seeking SSD and Supplemental Security Income benefits. Since then, her firm has won over $100 million in ongoing and past due SSD benefits for her clients.


Over 20,000 clients have won SSDI and SSI benefits by hiring our SSD law firm. Our main office is in Salt Lake City, Utah. Dianna Cannon is one of the top three SSD attorneys in Utah. Learn about Utah SSDI and SSI benefits. Also, review our information about how to file for SSDI and SSI benefits in Utah.

However, we also represent clients in Nevada. Ms. Cannon’s firm is one of the top SSD law firms in Utah and Nevada. Nevada SSD information is also available.

Additionally, Ms. Cannon’s firm is one of the best Social Security law firms in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Her firm represents clients throughout the western United States. For example, we have clients in California, Idaho, and Colorado. Learn about California SSDI information. Likewise, learn how to file for SSDI and SSI benefits in Idaho. Finally, learn about Colorado SSD benefits.


Dianna Cannon has won thousands of SSD and SSI cases both prior to the hearing and at the hearing level. Additionally, she has won remands in hundreds of cases at the Appeals Council.

She also has decades of experience arguing SSD cases in Federal Court. While winning benefits is the ultimate goal, “helping people understand Social Security’s system is one of the most important things we do. Everyone needs to understand the benefits that are paying for.”

Ms. Cannon states, “Thirty years of helping people win Social Security cases makes us experts at what we do. This means we understand medical issues and the law.  We also know how to build a good case. Likewise, we are good at finding crucial evidence. We work hard to collect all of the medical evidence in each case. Also, our clients know we are behind them 100%, during what is the difficult process of winning benefits.”

As a past president of the Women Lawyers of Utah, Ms. Cannon thinks women and young lawyers should open their own law firms. Small, local firms can provide excellent legal services to those who need it. Because our law firm serves clients throughout the West, Ms. Cannon is a member of the state bar in Utah, Nevada, California and Washington.

Find out about Utah SSDI information. Learn about Nevada SSDI information and filing for benefits in California. Additionally, you can learn how to file for Colorado benefits.


As a Social Security law expert, Dianna Cannon has good advice for her clients. She states, “If you are looking for an SSDI attorney, make sure you hire an expert. Your future depends on hiring the right attorney. If your illness keeps you from working, then you need a monthly SSD payment to live on. You don’t want to hire the wrong attorney. Especially when your future income is at stake.”

Additionally, it is important to hire a law firm with good customer service. This can be hard to find. Attorneys  are often in court. Therefore, it is important that they have a smart and kind staff to help clients.

At our law firm, we work hard to give all of our clients attention. We do our best to keep clients up to date. Contact our SSDI law firm for a free review of your case.

Dianna Cannon explains, “You need to connect with your attorney, but your attorney is not your best friend. She is there to give you advice. Sometimes that advice is hard to listen to. If you listen, then your chances of success in your case are high. Our advice is simply to go the doctor and get the treatment that you need for your medical condition. The clients who follow our advice usually win their SSDI and SSI benefits. However, we can’t force people to do what we ask. When our clients take our advice, they usually win SSD benefits.”


Most people ask their friends who to call when they are looking to hire an attorney. While that is not a bad idea, there are a variety of things to keep in mind when you are looking for a lawyer to help you.

For example, first you should find an attorney that you get along with. Likewise, make sure that support team at the law office returns your calls and is kind. You will be dealing with the attorney and support staff for many years. So, it is best to enjoy their company.

Second,  you should look for a lawyer who has experience in Social Security law. For example, Dianna Cannon states, “An important thing to ask about, when hiring an attorney, is whether they have experience doing hearings. Also, do they have experience at the Appeals Council and in Federal Court. If they do, then they have the experience to win your case. Not every lawyer has years of legal experience in the Social Security arena.”

Finally, have patience. When you search for a doctor or a counselor, that search can take time. You should take the time to do your research. Read about the lawyer you want to hire. They should have a website that talks about their legal experience. In addition, that website should also help you understand the issues you are facing when you file an SSD claim.


Most people don’t understand that we are looking for clients who want to win their SSD benefits. People call us every day with questions. Some people call who are in their 70’s or 80’s asking us how they can get more money from the SSA. We can’t help these people.

Those issues don’t fall under our practice of law. The amount of money you receive in SSDI benefits is based on your work history. It is not a number that can be changed by a law suit against the SSA. The amount of money you get in SSDI benefits is the payment that you earned. If it is low amount, no one can change it but you.

Additionally, you need to plan decades in advance for your income after your retire. The amount of your future payments depends entirely on how much money you earn during your life. If you are already retired and are not willing to go back to work, then there is nothing anyone can do to get you more money.


We also need to know if you are getting treatment from a doctor. If you are not getting treatment, then we know we won’t be able to get medical evidence to support the case. Without good medical evidence, no attorney can win your benefits for you. Many people call and want our help. But they refuse to go to the doctor.

Usually, it is because they think they can’t afford it. But we have free and low cost health resource you can use. Sometimes people say there is nothing a doctor can do. But there are pain management options and mental health treatment that helps you overcome pain. It is wise to try it. There really isn’t any good excuse not to get treatment. If you don’t go to the doctor, then you have no evidence and we can’t win your benefits.


The main reason most people don’t go to the doctor is they think that they cannot afford it. However, if you want to win benefits, then you will need a doctor. There are free doctors and counselors where you live. We have free and low cost medical services list in Utah and other states. No lawyer, no matter how great they are, can win your case if you do not have medical evidence. Therefore, we ask our clients to use our resources and call free and low cost doctors to get treatment.

For example, we also have a list of free and low cost mental health services for Nevada. Additionally, we have a list of free mental resources in Idaho and free physical health services in Idaho. Our law firm also lists free health services in Colorado and free health clinics in California. As such, there is really no excuse for one of our clients to not be seeing a doctor for their illness.

It is also important for you to tell the your doctor that you are filing for SSDI and SSI benefits.  If you doctor doesn’t know you are seeking benefits, then they may not write a letter for you. Ask for help. Also, tell them about your symptoms. If you say everything is great with your health at your doctor visit, then that is what is in your record. Make sure you explain the problems you are having and ask for support.


Getting SSI benefits means that you will also receive Medicaid. However, many of our clients have Medicaid benefits prior to winning SSD benefits. Therefore, this will help pay for visits to the doctor. Our law firm is looking to help people who are willing to go to the doctor and seek treatment for their medical conditions. Use your resources to go to the doctor and obtain treatment. That way you will have the medical evidence you need to win benefits.

Additionally, once you win SSD benefits, then you also win Medicare benefits. Medicare is a form of health insurance through the federal government. With Medicare benefits, you can choose from a number of different programs. To help all of our clients, Andria Summers offers a free review of your Medicare Advantage plan options.


Experience is crucial in court. Likewise, your attorney should know the facts the judge is looking for to grant the case. Because of our years of experience and hard work, we win most of our cases. Dianna Cannon states, “Not many firms have such a high win rate over thirty years. Our success rate speaks for itself.”

Additionally, she explains, “we work with our clients as a team. No attorney can win a case alone. The client must help us obtain medical evidence. Also, they must be willing to prepare for their hearing. Clients who visit their doctor and work with us are usually happy with the outcome of their case. Because they win.”

Finally, Ms. Cannon believes experience is important in Social Security cases because there are so many conditions and diseases that can cause severe illness. Over the years, she has seen common and rare medical conditions that meet SSA’s rules.

For example, Dianna Cannon has helped clients with cancer, unusual heart conditions, and other rare diseases. However, it is more common for her to help clients win benefits who have obesity, back conditions, and anxiety. The common conditions prevent people from working, just as much as the rare conditions do.

State ​​​Law Licenses

  • Admitted in California, U.S. District Court for District of California, 2009
  • Admitted in Nevada, U.S. District Court for District of Nevada, 2008​​
  • Admitted in Washington State, U.S. District Court for District of Washington, 2004, inactive status
  • ​Admitted in Utah, U.S. District Court for District of Utah and U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit, 1992​


  • University of Utah Law School, J.D., 1992
  • University of Utah Honors B.A., English and B.A., Art History, 1989

Activities and Memberships

  • Sustaining Member, National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives, 1992-2024
  • Accredited by the Veteran’s Administration to Represent Veterans Seeking Service-Connected Disability Benefits – 2010-2024
  • Member of the Board of Trustees at the S.J. Quinney College of Law, 2012-2023
  • Adjunct Professor of Law, Disability Law, S.J. Quinney College of Law, 2006-2024
  • Member, Utah Trial Lawyers Association, 2000-2022
  • Member, ACLU of Utah Legal Panel and Member of the Board, 1999-2007
  • Utah’s Legal Elite, Utah Business Magazine, 2016, 2017, 2021, 2022, 2024
  • Contributing Editor, Utah Trial Journal, Utah Trial Lawyers Association, 2003


  • Social Security Disability Claims, Volumes 1 & 2, by Dianna Cannon, by Thomson Reuters, 2023 Edition
  • Dianna Cannon: Changing People’s LivesAttorney at Law Magazine, Volume 6 No. 2F (2018).
  • Contributing Writer, Understanding Social Security Disability Benefits – An Essential Part of Protecting Your Future, Attorney at Law Magazine – 2016
  •  “Risk Takers: 30 Women to Watch,” Utah Business Magazine, 2003
  • Maximizing SSD Benefits in the Case of Worker’s Compensation Offset, Utah Trial Journal, 2000

Presentations​​ 2024-2011

  • Panelist, “The Future of Social Security Benefits”, AARP Social Security Forum, May 2024
  • Panelist, Book Review, Dean Elizabeth Kronk Warner, S.J. Quinney College of Law, University of Utah, Three Generations, No Imbeciles: Eugenics, the Supreme Court, and Buck v. Bell by Paul A. Lombardo, for National Disabilities Awareness month. October 27, 2021
  • “S.J. Quinney Law School, 2L/3L Orientation Program, Group Panel Discussion, Administrative Law,” 2021
  • “An In-Depth Look at the Social Security Process and How to Assist Claimants with Mental Disability,” Disability Law Center Mental Health Advisory Board, 2019
  • “Understanding Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income Benefits,” National Conference of Adrenal Insufficiency United, 2019
  •  Featured in Women in Law 2018 Salt Lake City – Attorney at Law Magazine, Volume 6 No. 2F
  • “Reopening: How to Get More Benefits for Your Client,” Presentation at the National Organization of Social Security Claimant’s Representatives, 2017
  • “How to Win Your Social Security Disability Case” – 10th Circuit Winter Meeting – 2014
  • “Encouraging Conversations about Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace” – 5th Annual YWCA Women’s Leadership Summit – 2013


  • “Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income Issues for Children with Cystic Fibrosis,” The Cystic Fibrosis Parent Outreach Clinic, Primary Children’s Hospital, 2009
  • “Documenting Disability Training for Medical Providers, The SSA Disability Determination Process,” Association for Utah Community Health, University of Utah Student Programs in Family   Medicine, 2007
  • “What Family Law Lawyers Need to Know About Social Security Disability and the Utah Retirement System,” Utah State Bar Family Law Section, 2005
  • “Social Security Issues Related to Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals,” The Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 2002
  • “Statutory Blindness and Reopening Your Social Security Claim in Federal Court,” Social Security Conference for the Blind or Visually Impaired, Blind Center, 2002
  • “Handling a Social Security Disability Case,” National Business Institute Seminar, 2000
  • “An Introduction to Social Security Law,” Multiple Sclerosis Society Annual Meeting, 1998
  • “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the Social Security Disability Case,” CFS Society, 1997


You do not need to obtain SSD benefits on your own. Dianna Cannon and her law firm can help file your SSD application. Also, we can help you file an appeal after every SSA denial. That way, you can focus on your health. Our attorneys and staff can:

If you file your application for SSD benefits on Social Security’s website, then you have 6 months to complete it. Once you submit your application online, the SSA sends you an application summary in the mail. You must sign the summary and mail it back quickly. Or, you can call the SSA and confirm it. You don’t want to miss the time limit for appeal.


For over 30 years, Dianna Cannon has built a legal practice that focuses on winning SSDI and SSI benefits for people who need them. She has also taken on some difficult Black Lung benefit claims and she won benefits for miners with black lung disease.

Additionally, she helps Veterans in their claims for service connected Veteran’s benefits. Although these types of cases are not the heart of her practice, she enjoys learning about other areas of law. Especially in the benefits arena.

While awards and degrees are important, they don’t tell you everything. When seeking benefits, you also want to hire an attorney who you get along with.

Also, you should hire an attorney who has an excellent staff. Why? Because no attorney works alone. The law firm staff is crucial to your success in winning SSD and SSI benefits.

Our legal team has many years of experience winning Social Security cases. In fact, we have over 30 years of legal experience. If you put all of our experience together, we have over 60 years. We use our legal skills to support our clients. Many of our clients just don’t have the energy to deal with the SSA because of their health issues.

You need an SSD attorney who works for you and with you. Contact us today. See if the legal team at our law firm is a good fit for you.

Dianna Cannon, SSD Attorney in Salt Lake City Utah


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