Liver cancer occurs when your liver cells divide aggressively and multiply, creating tumors. If these tumors are in your liver, then you have liver cancer. In the United States, each year more than 40,000 people are found to have liver cancer. Worldwide, more than 800,000 people each year are diagnosed with this cancer. Liver cancer accounts for more than 700,000 deaths each year.
Liver cancer can be treated with surgery or a liver transplant. But only if the cancer is caught in the early stages. Unfortunately, most people receive the diagnosis after the disease has spread to other organs. Once the cancer has spread beyond the liver, it is incurable. Doctors then focus on reducing your pain and prolonging your life.
Because of the severe symptoms from liver cancer, most individuals with liver cancer find themselves unable to earn a living.
If you have liver cancer and are unable to work, then the Social Security Administration has two programs for you: SSDI and SSI. These programs are designed to support you and your family if you cannot work due to an illness like cancer. Unfortunately, it can take up to two years to receive benefits under either program. That is why it is important to apply for benefits right away. Benefits are tied to the date that you file an application, not the date your cancer began. Therefore, every day you wait to file your SSD application is a day you lose money.
The first program is Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Under this program, you must have a lengthy work history and enough work credits. Learn more about work credits. You also must also have paid your taxes. A portion of your taxes goes to pay for your benefits in the SSD program. This gives you coverage or insurance in the SSDI program. Find out about the requirements to receive and apply for SSDI benefits.
In addition to monthly payments, both programs provide health insurance. SSDI benefits come with Medicare. Medicare provides a safety net. It allows you the ability to pay for most of your medical needs. Learn information about Medicare benefits.
If you qualify for SSDI you receive two benefits:
- A monthly SSD check (usually between $800 and $3,000). The amount of your monthly check depends on how much money you have earned during your working life.
- Free health insurance through Medicare. Medicare has a waiting period of 29 months (this includes the five month waiting period, along with the 24 month waiting period).
- You can also receive other benefits. Including monthly benefit payments for your children and a higher Social Security retirement payment when you turn 67. You can also receive forgiveness of student loan debt.
The second program is Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Under the SSI program, you must meet the same disability requirements as those for SSDI. However, since this program is based on financial need, you must also meet the income and asset rules. Find out information about SSI benefits.
SSI benefits come with Medicaid. Medicaid also uses the same financial rules as SSI. Unlike Medicare, Medicaid does not have a waiting period before it begins. Review information about Medicaid benefits. Medicaid covers most health needs, including monthly medications.
Social Security’s Compassionate Allowances program allows for a quicker approval on SSD applications if you receive a liver cancer diagnosis. The liver cancer survival rate is not very high. Instead of waiting two years to win benefits, if you have cancer of the liver, then you may be able to win benefits in as little as one month.
In addition, your attorney can ask the SSA to tag your claim as a TERI (Terminal Illness) case. This requires the SSA to process your claim as quickly as possible. So that you can receive benefits.
Liver Cancer is a compassionate allowance under SSA’s regulations. Liver cancer appears on the Compassionate Allowances and TERI lists, because of the severe symptoms and the poor outcome of the disease.
If you have a liver transplant, then you qualify for SSD benefits for one year. Under listing 5.09, if you have a liver transplant, then the SSA will pay you benefits for 1 year following the date of the transplant. After the one year period, the SSA will review your case to see if you are still unable to work.
There are two common forms of liver cancer. The most common liver cancer is Hepatocellular Carcinoma. This type of liver cancer is the third leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide.
The Hepatocellular variety of liver cancer is often the result of having Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C in the past. Hepatocellular Carcinoma is a type of adenocarcinoma that forms in the liver tissue. Likewise, this type of liver cancer is also connected to a past history of alcoholic liver cirrhosis.
A sign that you might have this form of liver cancer is hard lump on the right side of your abdomen below your rib cage. You might also experience pain on the right side of the abdomen. Some people have pain near the right shoulder blade or in the back. You may feel tired and weak. Also, you may get jaundice and have weight loss for no known reason. You might also feel full after small meals and have a fever. If you have these symptoms, then you should have your doctor check for liver cancer.
Another common form of liver cancer is Intrahepatic Bile Duct Cancer. Bile duct cancer, also called cholangiocarcinoma. Bile duct cancer starts in the bile ducts. The bile ducts are tubes that connect the liver and gallbladder to the small intestine.
If you cancer forms in the bile ducts inside the liver, then it is called intrahepatic bile duct cancer. However, if the cancer forms in the bile ducts outside your liver, then it is called extrahepatic bile duct cancer.
These two forms of liver cancer begin in the blood vessels of the liver. Both angiosarcoma and hemangiosarcoma are rare forms of cancer. However, they are also aggressive cancers. They both grow quickly. Likewise, they are both very difficult to treat.
Secondary liver cancers occurs when your cancer begins in another part of your body. For example, if you have lung, stomach, or breast cancer, and it spreads to your liver, then it is known as a secondary liver cancer. Secondary liver cancer is often treated differently than primary liver cancer.
Liver cancer symptoms include pain and a swollen abdomen. Also, you may experience shoulder and back pain. It also includes nausea, weakness, fatigue, and jaundice.
Jaundice causes yellow skin and yellow in the white of the eyes. Additionally symptoms include sudden weight loss and vomiting. Fever and dark colored urine are also common symptoms.
Unfortunately, liver cancer symptoms are not as severe during the early stages of the disease. Therefore, many liver cancers are not found until it is too late to cure the disease.
The term “end-stage liver disease” means you have advanced liver disease. This is also known as liver failure. However, it is possible to have a liver transplant and reverse liver disease.
A liver transplant is only an option for some patients with liver cancer. Some people are not candidates because of medical reasons or social reasons. It is up to the doctor who to recommend for the list.
Additionally, the number of people who qualify for a liver transplant is much greater than the number of donor organs that are available. Because of the wait time to obtain a liver, 14 percent of patients on the waiting list die every year.
Similarly, 10 percent of those waiting are taken off the list throughout the year, as they become too ill to receive a transplant. Therefore, even though a new liver may be an option, most patients with liver cancer die as a result of their condition.
Liver cancer can only be cured when it is found in an early stage. Unfortunately, most forms of liver disease show no symptoms until it is too late to cure the condition. This leads to a poor outcome for those who have liver cancer and who do not catch it in the early stages.
If you have liver cancer, then you may meet the liver cancer listing. SSA’s Listing 13.19 is for liver cancer.