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Supplemental Security Income benefits are an addition to SSD benefits. However, even if you have never worked, you may be able to get SSI benefits. The SSI program provides monthly payments to adults and children with a severe physical or mental condition who have income and resources below certain financial limits.

In other words, the benefit adds to your SSD benefit if it is low. SSI is also designed to give you monthly income to bring you to a certain standard of living when you have a condition that prevents you from working. SSI is a Federal program funded by general taxes (not Social Security taxes).

It provides monthly payments to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter. The base monthly amount depends on your living situation and income. For information and specific rules, review SSI Benefits – What You Need to Know.

Not everyone gets the same SSI benefit. You may get more money if you live in a state that adds money to the federal SSI payment. Similarly, you may get less if you have other income such as wages or other benefits. You may also get less if someone pays your bills or rent. Or, you may get less if you live with a spouse and they have an income. You might be able to get SSI if your resources are worth $2,000 or less. A couple may be able to get SSI if they have resources worth $3,000 or less.


Supplemental Security Income (“SSI”) benefits are different than Social Security Disability Insurance (“SSDI”) benefits. SSI benefits “supplement” SSD benefits. They are paid to you if your monthly SSD benefit is a low amount of money and you don’t have other income or resources.

You can also receive SSI if you have never had a job or if you have only worked for a short period of time. In order to win SSI benefits you must meet SSA’s rules. SSI benefits also come with Medicaid benefits. Medicaid is an insurance benefit that pays for your visits to the doctor. Also, find out more about whether or not someone can garnish SSI benefits.

However, you must also not have extra assets (a cabin, a boat) or money (more than $2000 saved in the bank). The financial rules that govern SSI are complex. Therefore, you need the help of an SSI benefits attorney to help you understand if you can get SSI benefits. Our office is in Salt Lake City, but our attorneys can help you wherever you live.

Many parents wish to qualify for SSI benefits simply to obtain Medicaid. This makes sense considering that medical bills cost so much. Unfortunately, in order to qualify for Medicaid you usually must also qualify for SSI benefits. However, this is not true in all circumstances, so make sure that you apply for Medicaid. If you qualify for even one dollar of SSI benefits, then you usually receive Medicaid benefits too.


SSI is a benefit for those who have never worked. Or, the benefits are for children with a severe physical or mental condition. Usually, you will know if your child has a severe medical issue because your child will be struggling in school and also struggling at home. Or, your child may be in a hospital or live in a home with special supports in place.

You or your child may qualify for Supplemental Security Income benefits. Each state sets the amount of SSI benefits for its’ citizens. Typically, winning SSI benefits means you also qualify for Medicaid. Contact us now. Find out for free if you or your child can get SSI benefits.

You may also qualify for SSI if you have worked, but have earned a low income. For example, perhaps you work at a job with low wages and you rely on tips. Likewise, maybe you are a waiter or an airport baggage handler. These jobs may have a low wage, but because you pay taxes you still qualify for SSD benefits.


If you have worked and earned a low wage, you could qualify for a combination of both SSI and SSD benefits.  The SSA calls this a “concurrent claim” for benefits. SSI benefits add onto SSD benefits.

Together, the two benefits, can bring you to a higher monthly benefit amount than one benefit alone. However, in order to win SSI, you must have a severe mental or physical condition and be unable to work for 12 months or longer. Additionally, you must meet SSA’s income and asset rules.

SSI benefits are also available to children who have a severe physical or mental condition. Of course, winning benefits depends on two factors. First, the child must have a physical or mental condition that meets or equals SSA’s rules. Second, the income and assets of the parents must be low enough that the child can get SSI under the financial factors. Learn more information about the signs that you will win your SSI case.


The medical rules to win SSI benefits are the same as those for SSD benefits. In order for the SSA to pay you SSI benefits, your medical condition must meet or equal a listing. If your condition does not meet or equal a listing, then there is another way to win benefits. For example, your physical limits can prevent you from working full time. Review information about how to win benefits with your RFC.

To understand the physical conditions that meet or equal a listing, you can read the list of medical conditions on SSA’s website. Or, you can review the list of physical conditions.

Additionally, you can win SSI benefits if you have one or more mental conditions. There is also a list of mental conditions that qualify you for SSI benefits.

Obviously, many people have a combination of both mental and physical conditions. The bottom line is this: whatever physical or mental condition you have it must prevent you from working. SSI benefits are for those who are not able to work at any job in the nation. When you win SSI benefits, you also receive Medicaid benefits. Medicaid is a form of health insurance. Learn information about Medicaid benefits.


The lawyers and staff at our law firm can help you file your application for SSI benefits online at Social Security’s website.  Usually, we can tell you over the phone if you or your child have a good chance of winning SSD and SSI benefits.  Call us or fill out our contact form and we will answer your questions for free about how to win SSDI and SSI benefits.

If you want to win SSI benefits, then you need to take the first step and call us. Hire our team of attorneys to help you with your case. Also, you need to go to the doctor to prove that you deserve benefits.

Medical records are the evidence you need to prove that you meet SSA’s rules. Your job is to go to the doctor and get treatment for your condition. If you do that, then you do need to worry. We will help you collect the medical records you need to prove you cannot work due to your physical or mental condition.


If you need help in finding free medical care, then use our list of free and low cost medical resources. Taking the first step, by calling us, is what you need to do to begin your journey to winning benefits. Don’t be worried to reach out to our legal team. It won’t cost you anything.

Our legal team wants to help you. We offer a free review and discussion of your case. What that means is that you can call us and explain your situation. At that point, we will look at the merits of your case for free. Then, we let you know if you have a chance to win SSI benefits. We do not charge you for our review of your case. In fact, there is no attorney fee for you to pay until we win your benefits for you. Once you win benefits, you will have questions about how to get your benefits. We have information about how to set up direct deposit for your SSD check.


There are many reasons to hire an SSDI and SSI attorney. But, the first reason is it pays to hire an attorney with the proper legal experience. Our legal team has the experience you need to win your benefits.

You can find out more about your legal team. For example, Dianna Cannon has been helping her clients win benefits for over 30 years. Brett Bunkall has won hundreds of SSD cases. Andria Summers also has over 20 years of experience helping our clients win benefits. Our lawyers and staff know the law. We have won over $100 million in back due and ongoing SSDI and SSI benefits for our clients.

We represent clients in many states, including Nevada, Utah, and Idaho. Find out about Nevada SSD benefits. Learn about Utah SSDI and SSI benefits and California SSDI benefits. You can also learn about Colorado SSD benefits. No matter where you live, we want to be your legal team. If you need our help, then call. We will put our knowledge to work for you. Hire the top SSD attorneys to win your SSI benefits.

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