Knowing that babies and children diagnosed with cerebral palsy often need financial help right away, the SSA grants immediate SSI benefits to children who are likely to be found medically eligible for benefits. Learn about low birthweight and SSI benefits.
If your child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy and has severe trouble speaking, coordinating hand and arm movements, or walking without braces, then your child probably qualifies for these immediate “presumptive disability” benefits.
If your child was diagnosed with severe Cerebral Palsy right after birth, Social Security often rewards presumptive benefits for immediate financial aid. Again, presumptive benefits are usually granted if the doctor has found your child will never speak or walk.
Monthly presumptive disability SSI payments can last for up to six months. As soon as the SSA reaches a final decision regarding the child’s disability claim, the presumptive benefits will end. If the SSA denies the claim, then you are not responsible for paying back the benefits from the presumptive disability.
You can apply for childhood cerebral palsy SSI benefits online at the Social Security website. Supplemental Security Income (“SSI”) benefits are different than Social Security Disability (“SSD”) benefits. In order to be paid SSI you must meet SSA’s rules, but you must also meet SSA’s income and asset criteria. SSI benefits also come with Medicaid. Also, learn about garnishment of SSI benefits.
In order for your child to receive SSI benefits, she must have cerebral palsy and you must also qualify by not having extra assets or money in the bank. The financial asset rules that govern SSI are complex. Therefore, you may need the legal help of an SSI benefits attorney to help you figure out if you can win benefits.
Many parents wish to qualify for SSI benefits simply to obtain Medicaid. This makes sense considering that medical bills can be so overwhelming. Unfortunately, in order to qualify for Medicaid you usually must also qualify for SSI.
This is not true in all circumstances, so make sure you check with Medicaid. However, if you qualify for even one dollar of SSI benefits, you usually qualify for Medicaid benefits as well. Get information about Medicaid benefits.
111.07 Cerebral palsy, characterized by disorganization of motor function in two extremities, resulting in an extreme limitation in the ability to stand up from a seated position, balance while standing or walking, or use the arms.
Disorganization of motor function means interference, due to the child’s neurological disorder, with movement of two extremities. For example, this could be both lower legs, or upper arms (including fingers, wrists, hands, arms, and shoulders). Likewise, by two extremities the SSA means both lower legs, both upper arms, or one upper arm and one lower leg.
Extreme limitation means the child is unable to stand up from a seated position. Likewise, the child may be unable to maintain balance in a standing position. Perhaps while walking they must use their arms to start, sustain, and complete age appropriate activities. An extreme limitation can also occur in cases where damage to the spine results in scoliosis. Find out about scoliosis and SSD benefits.
The assessment of motor function depends on the degree of trouble your child has with standing up. It also depends on the child’s ability to balance while standing, walking, or using the arms (including fingers, hands, arms, and shoulders).
Research is being done in the area of childhood cerebral palsy. The National Institute of Neurological Disorder and Stroke (NINDS) are investigating the roles of accidents in early in brain development. This includes genetic defects, which are sometimes responsible for the brain malformations and issues that can cause cerebral palsy.
Scientists are also looking at traumatic events in newborn babies’ brains. These events include, for example, bleeding, seizures, and breathing and circulation problems. Events like these can cause the release of chemicals that trigger damage and cause cerebral palsy.
Researchers also hope to find ways to prevent white matter disease, the most common cause of cerebral palsy. To make sure children are getting the right kinds of therapy, studies are also being done to find new treatments, so that doctors and parents have valid information to help them choose the best therapy.
If you cannot work, your Social Security case will dictate the money you have for the future. You need to hire a law firm that cares about your financial security. Our law firm is one of the best Social Security firms in the country. We are one of the best Social Security law firms in Las Vegas, Nevada. If you are from Nevada, then you can find Nevada SSD Information.
Our physical location is in Salt Lake City, Utah. We have been in business for over 30 years. In Utah, we are the top law firm who helps people win their SSDI benefits.
The lawyers at our law firm are also members of the National Organization of Social Security Claimant’s Representatives. Learn about Utah SSD benefits. Also, learn how to win SSD and SSI benefits in Idaho. If you are from California, then we also have California SSD information. We also represent clients in Colorado SSD benefits. However, we can represent you no matter where you live.
If you have cerebral palsy, you should file an application for SSI benefits as soon as possible. Future and past due benefits are tied to the date of application. For example, you can’t apply on January 1, 2024 and claim SSI benefits back to 2015. With SSI benefits, you can only go from the date of application. Learn more about past due SSD benefits.
If you receive a denial, then we can help you appeal it. Likewise, we will request a hearing for you if you receive a denial. Then, we will represent you and your child at a hearing before the Social Security judge.
One of the things we do is help you and your child be good witnesses at your hearing. We meet with your before the hearing. At the meeting, we talk about how to answer questions. We also let you know what kind of questions you will be asked. Learn what questions the judge will ask at your SSA hearing.
If you child cannot testify at the hearing, either due to their age or a mental condition, that is fine. We can have you and the other people who care for her testify. Also, we can obtain medical evidence from her treating doctor. Medical evidence from the treating doctor is crucial to winning SSI benefits. Learn about the importance of medical evidence.
There are many law firms that claim they practice Social Security law. However, most of those firms do other types of cases and they don’t have experience in childhood cerebral palsy cases. For example, some firms claim they do Social Security cases, but they really practice personal injury or Worker’s Compensation law. We don’t do that. Our firm only takes Social Security cases. We don’t practice any other kind of law.
Our firm believes it is important to focus on Social Security cases, because when you focus on one area of law you become an expert. If your child has cerebral palsy, it is going to effect them for the rest of their life. It may even prevent them from working when they are an adult. Children with severe cerebral palsy need benefits. Learn more about how we don’t give up on SSD benefits for cerebral palsy.
It is hard to trust your child’s future to a lawyer you don’t know. We understand it is a difficult decision. For that reason, we include information about our attorneys on our website. Dianna Cannon has been winning SSDI and SSI cases for the past 30 years. She has written a book about Social Security law for attorneys. Brett Bunkall and Andria Summers have over 30 years of combined legal experience. They work hard for our clients every day. We focus our practice on Social Security cases. Find out about the attorneys at our law firm on our About Us page. Also, read about automatically winning SSD benefits.
There are many important issues that play a role in whether your child receives SSI benefits for cerebral palsy. You need a lawyer who understands those issues. Also, you need an attorney who knows the law. Cannon Disability wants to be your legal team.
Hire us for our experience. Over the last 30 years, we have won over 20,000 SSD and SSI cases. It isn’t always an easy task to win. But, we have the experience to do it. Put our experience to work for you and let us help you win benefits for your child.
Another important factor to consider when hiring an attorney is cost. We are affordable. Also, we work are only paid an attorney fee until we win your benefits. The attorney fee comes out of the back benefit from the case. If we do not win your case, then there is no back benefit. Therefore, you will not owe us an attorney fee.
Contact us today. Take advantage of our free review of your case. If you call, then we can answer your questions. Remember, we are experts in SSI benefits and will do our best to win your child’s benefits. Call today. When you call, be able to tell us what cerebral palsy symptoms your child experiences. Also, be ready to tell us what doctor is treating your child. Find out if we can help you obtain childhood cerebral palsy benefits today.