When you become a client at Cannon Disability Law, we will send you a Fee Agreement and other important forms . You will receive the following forms:
- Claimant’s Appointment of Representative form:. This shows the SSA you are appointing a representative to help you in your SSDI and SSI case.
- Releases of Information:. Releases give your permission for us and the SSA to collect and review your medical records. The SSA will send you many Releases of Information throughout the five step review process. They do this because they want an up to date release, as they are collecting medical records more than once. After you sign the release, we can review your medical records and so can the SSA.
- The Fee Agreement is a contract between you and our SSD law firm. It states that we will work for you to win your Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income benefits. It also states that you agree to pay an attorney fee if we win your benefits.
If you have any questions about the forms, then contact us. We will do our best to help you.
A fee agreement is the contract between yourself and your attorney. It outlines what you agree to pay the attorney. Since our fee agreement is based on a contingency fee, you are agreeing to pay the attorney fee if we win your case. If we do not win the case, then you do not owe an attorney fee.
The Claimant’s Appointment of a Representative Form is created by the SSA. It is also known as the 1696. This form allows you to appoint a lawyer to help you with your Social Security case. This form includes your personal information. For example, it includes your name, mailing address, and social security number.
Both you and your representative sign the form. The form is then sent by your attorney to the SSA. Once the SSA receives the form, they associate it with your case file. This form proves to the SSA that you have a representative. It also allows your lawyer to talk to the SSA about your case. Without the form, the SSA will not release any information about your case to your attorney.
In addition to the form, we need other information before the SSA will talk to us. For example, we need to know where you were born. We need to know your mother’s maiden name. But, if your mother didn’t change her name, then just tell us her given name. If you have two mothers or two fathers, then make sure to tell us the last names of both parents. We also need to know your birthdate. The SSA will require us to recite this information before they will speak to us.
Releases of information are forms that give your permission for others to review your medical records. For example, the SSA asks you to sign releases of information. They need to be able to review your medical records to decide if you can receive SSD benefits. Review about the importance of medical records in your SSD case.
There are also releases of information that give your attorney permission to review your medical records. Without your written permission, your attorney cannot collect or review your medical records.
The Fee Agreement is a contract between you and our law firm. The Fee Agreement states you are our client. It also states that if we win your SSDI and SSI case, we will charge you an attorney fee. We will only charge you an attorney fee if we win your benefits. If you have questions, then review “What Will it Cost?”
If we do not win your Social Security benefits, then we will not charge you an attorney fee.
The fee agreement says if we win your case, then we will charge you 25% of your back benefit. Learn about past due SSD benefits. However, the SSA caps or limits the amount of the attorney fee. Currently, the maximum amount is $9200. The attorney fee is whatever amount is less between 25% of your past due benefit and the maximum cap. The cap can go up with the cost of living on a yearly basis.
For example, if you win $10,000 in back benefits, our fee is 25% of that amount. So, $2500. We do not charge you $9200, because 25% of your back benefit is less than the attorney fee cap.
If you win $100,000 in back benefits, our fee is $9200. 25 % of $100,000 is $25,000. But we do not charge you 25% of your past due benefits, because that would be higher than the attorney fee cap. Therefore, in this example our fee would be $9200.
Remember, we only charge you an attorney fee when we win your SSD benefits. If we do not win your case, then we do not charge any attorney fee.
Applying for SSD benefits with our help is simple. Once you sign the fee agreement, we will help you file your application for benefits on the Social Security website. If you receive SSD benefits, then within 24 months of your onset date of disability, you will also receive Medicare benefits. Medicare benefits are health insurance. They pay for medical care. Find out about Medicare benefits.
You can also apply for Supplemental Security Income benefits. Supplemental Security Income (“SSI”) benefits are different than Social Security Disability (“SSD”) benefits. SSI benefits are a “supplement” to SSD benefits, paid to you if your monthly SSD benefit is a low amount of money. It is also a benefit you can receive if you have never had a job and can’t work due to disability. However, in order to be eligible for SSI your medical condition must meet SSA’s rules. Additionally, you must meet the income and asset rules.
Make sure to apply for SSDI and SSI benefits as soon as you know you are not going to be able work due to your medical condition. Social Security benefits are tied to the date of your application. Additionally, benefits do not pay if you become disabled after your date last insured. Learn about the date last insured.
With SSDI benefits, you can receive past due benefits one year prior to the date of your application as long as you weren’t working. However, SSI benefits begin the day you file your application. If you do not apply quickly, then you are losing benefits.
You can learn about the lawyers and staff at Cannon Disability Law.
In the past 30 years, our attorneys have won thousands of cases at the hearing level. We also win cases at the Appeals Council and in Federal District Court. We work with our clients as part of a team. That is why we are successful. Look at our record. We have won over 20,000 SSDI and SSI cases. Better yet, over our 30 years in business, we have won over $100 million in past due and ongoing benefits for our clients. Hire us.
If you do not understand the fee agreement or the other important forms, then make sure to contact our office. Our goal is to get you through the Social Security process as easily as possible. Contact us today.