Nevada mental health SSD benefits are available for you. Our law firm can help you win SSDI and SSI benefits for your mental condition. In order to win benefits for mental health from the Social Security Administration (SSA), you need treatment. There are many low cost and sliding scale treatment options. Also, there are free treatment options in Nevada.
The best thing you can do for your SSDI case is seek treatment. Treatment includes medication, therapy, and possibly the care of a mental health doctor and counselor. The next best thing you can do is hire a mental health SSD lawyer to help you win your benefits.
If you qualify as low income, then you may win Medicaid benefits. Medicaid benefits cover many health services. They also cover medications. Review information about Medicaid benefits.
There are certain forms of mental health which the SSA considers to be serious mental health illness. In Nevada, the most common serious mental conditions we see include:
- Adjustment Disorder
- Antisocial Personality Disorder
- Anxiety Disorder
- Attention Deficit Disorder -ADD/ADHD
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Bipolar Disorder
- Borderline Personality Disorder
- Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
- Depression
- Dysthymia
- Eating Disorders/Anorexia/Bulemia
- Intellectual Disorder
- Major Depression and Bipolar Disorder
- Neurocognitive Disorders
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
- Personality Disorder
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Schizophrenia
- Somatic Disorders
- Traumatic Brain Injury
In order to win benefits in Nevada, you must prove you have one of SSA’s categories of mental illness. There are elements of each mental illness that you must prove in order to obtain benefits.
For example, under Major Depression, you must have severe mental symptoms. These include not being able to sleep, trouble with concentration and memory problems. Additionally, there are other symptoms, such as sadness, crying spells, social isolation, and thinking of suicide. Learn further tips on winning your Nevada mental health case.
If you have these mental symptoms, then you must also show they prevent you from working. Additionally, these severe mental symptoms must last longer than 12 months. Your mental symptoms must also impair your ability to do daily living activities. Our firm is one of the top three Social Security firms in Nevada and we will help you prove your mental health condition to the SSA. Learn how to obtain free and low cost mental health treatment in Nevada.
AFFECTIVE DISORDERS (Major Depressive Disorder/Bipolar Disorder)
The rules to qualify for mental health benefits in Nevada, vary with the type of mental disorder. However, you must have medical records showing how your mental health affects your ability to function in a 40 hour work week. The record must show mental symptoms, despite ongoing mental health treatment. You must show either that you:
- Have been in treatment for two years and cannot function outside of a supportive environment or
- Have medical records that your condition keeps you from being able to function in any work environment.
Of course, you must also show the symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder. Those symptoms should be easy to spot in your medical record. For example, the SSA will look to see if you have memory and concentration problems. They will also look to see if you have sadness and social isolation.
Additionally, the SSA will look for mental issues with crying spells and panic attacks. Also, it includes problems with weight and constant thoughts of death. These symptoms must impact your ability to do daily activities at work and around your home.
Most people will see a mental health doctor and a counselor. For example, people with depression get treatment from a psychologist and a doctor. Other options are treatment from a nurse practitioner and a mental counselor.
Anxiety Disorder is a common mental illness. In Nevada, to qualify for SSD benefits for anxiety, your medical evidence must show you have at least one of the following:
- Persistent anxiety with appropriate symptoms, like motor tension
- Constant fear
- Recurring panic attacks at least weekly
- Recurring thoughts
In addition, the evidence must show that these conditions impact your ability to function in normal workplace. Mental health evidence is crucial to winning the claim. Your counselor or psychologist can provide medical records that prove you cannot work.
Your past employer can also provide evidence of your panic attacks at work. Likewise, your family or friends can write statements about the trouble you have with your anxiety symptoms. Additionally, if you have been fired due to anxiety, then your past employer can provide evidence. For example, your employer can write a statement about the problems you had at work.
PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS (including Paranoia and Schizophrenia)
To qualify for benefits with a schizophrenia, you must have medical evidence showing that you cannot work a full time job. Also, your condition must last at least one year or more.
The medical evidence must show that any change in your work situation would lead to more mental health problems. In other words, that work stress makes your mental health worse. It might also show that it is hard for you to get along with your other workers. Likewise, you may have been let go from multiple jobs.
The evidence can also show you cannot live outside of a supportive environment. Some examples of these environments are a mental health facility, nursing home, or mental hospital. Learn additional information if you are a Veteran seeking benefits. You may qualify for benefits if you have one of the following mental health conditions:
- Hallucinations
- Delusions
- Catatonia
- Disorganized behavior
- Incoherence
- Illogical thinking
- Speech significantly affected by blunt effect or flat affect
- Isolation and emotional separation
You don’t need every single symptom on this list to show you have a psychotic disorder. However, people who have such disorders usually have some of these symptoms. Common mental conditions are schizophrenia and paranoid schizophrenia.
In Nevada, you can qualify for Social Security benefits with a personality disorder. You will need evidence showing your condition causes you to be unable to adapt to changes in work situations.
For example, your personality disorder may make it difficult for you to get along with other workers or your boss. You may be fired from multiple jobs. Or, you may have trouble getting along in a school setting. Sometimes, a personality disorder makes it hard to get along with your neighbors or even your family.
Your personality disorder needs to cause at least one of these symptoms:
- Autistic thinking
- Seclusion
- Hostility
- Paranoia
- Odd thought, speech, or behavior patterns
- Aggressiveness
- Dependence
- Passiveness
- Constant mood swings
- Impulsive behavior, especially regarding relationships
If you have these symptoms and they impact your ability to work, then you qualify for SSD benefits. You can prove you deserve benefits if, for instance, you have these mental symptoms. Also, the symptoms must last for over 12 months. Also, your mental health condition must interfere with your activities of daily living.
Activities of daily living include normal tasks. For example, being able to dress yourself and doing laundry are daily tasks. Other tasks are taking a shower, dressing, cleaning your teeth. Going to the store to buy food is another example of a task most people do every week. Also, dealing with other people is an important daily activity.
If you can prove your mental illness prevents you from doing daily tasks, then you will have a strong chance of winning SSD benefits.
The hard part of winning benefits is that the burden of proof is on you. Therefore, you must show with medical evidence that you have the Part A symptoms. You must also prove that the rest of the listing describes your medical condition. But, what kind of medical evidence do you need?
For example, you will need all progress notes from your doctor. You will also need medical records from any hospital visits, ER visits, or rehab facilities. Collect your physical therapy records. Also, you will need treating notes from your counselor.
In addition, you must also show your mental symptoms are so severe that they also meet the rules under Part B and/or C. You can learn about how the Part B mental rules wins benefits. There are times where proving Part C is easier than proving Part B. This is particularly true if you are living in a “highly structured setting.” Learn about the importance of medical evidence in proving your case for benefits.
For example, if you live in a state mental hospital or in housing that also provides mental health treatment, then you live in a setting that structures your day. If leaving that setting would make your mental symptoms worse, then you meet the Part C rules. Therefore, you should win benefits.
Contact Cannon Disability Law today. If you have a good case, then we can often tell you that over the phone. We will ask you questions about your mental health. Also, we will ask you the names and address of your treating mental health doctors.
For example, we want to know the contact information of your counselor. We also want to know the name and address of your psychologist. Additionally, we may ask you for a list of your medications. We will also ask if you have ever spent time in the hospital for your mental health condition.
The information you give us is what we use to file an application for your SSD benefits. We typically file an application on the Social Security website. SSDI benefits come with Medicare benefits. SSI benefits come with Medicaid benefits.
Make sure you file your SSDI and SSI application as soon as possible. Your past due SSDI benefits are tied to the date of your application. If you fail to file an application, then you are missing out on benefits.
If you have already applied for benefits and been denied by the SSA, then don’t worry. We can still help you. Our attorneys and staff are experts at filing appeals. We will also help you appeal an SSA denial. Make sure to file any appeals on time. If you do not appeal on time, then you may have to file for benefits again.
It isn’t easy to get Social Security benefits and the application process can be frustrating for most people. But, having an attorney throughout the appeal process can make it easier. Hiring a law firm with legal experience to handle your mental health case makes the SSA follows their own procedures.
Additionally, when you have an attorney with legal experience, they will have access to the SSA’s decisions throughout the process. They can also submit medical evidence that may be missing from your case.
There is evidence that hiring an attorney triples your chances of winning your SSDI and SSI benefits. It is also smart to hire an attorney to help you at your hearing. Because you are the star witness at your hearing. If you hire an attorney with experience, then they can prepare you to testify at your hearing. Learn about how to prepare for your SSD hearing.
Also, once the hearing is over, your attorney can walk you through the ALJ’s decision. If you win, then you attorney can discuss what to expect next. For example, she can tell you how and when the SSA will process your monthly SSD checks. If you did not win your case, then you can appeal your case to the Appeals Council.
When you hire a law firm for your Nevada mental health case, ask yourself what you want. You should want a firm you can work with and who cares about you. Also, you need a firm who understands Social Security’s rules. Your legal team should be on your side. They should help you win benefits to replace the income you can no longer earn.
Additionally, you need to be able to hire an attorney without worrying about how to pay the attorney fee. At our SSD law firm in Nevada, we work on a “pay if you win” basis. This means if you do not win benefits, then you do not owe an attorney fee. Therefore, hiring us to represent you creates no financial risk for you. Again, you only pay an attorney fee when we win your SSDI & SSI case.
The most difficult thing about going through the Social Security review process is how long it takes. No matter what attorney or law firm you hire, there is no one who can make it move faster. You may feel frustration and think your attorney isn’t doing anything. But the truth is, your attorney can’t force the SSA to move any faster. There are people in line before you and people in line after you. Try to be patient.
If you want to learn more about our law firm, then read our About Us page. Andria Summers has helped thousands of SSD clients win benefits. Dianna Cannon has been a Social Security attorney for over thirty years. Brett Bunkall also has years of legal experience helping people obtain their SSD benefits. We help people with mental health issues win benefits in Nevada.
Finally, we have experience winning cases at the hearing level. In the last 30 years, we have won over 20,000 SSDI and SSI cases. We can’t guarantee we will win your case. But we will do our very best.
It is free to call us. We promise not to pressure you over the phone. We want to help you with win your case. You can put our Nevada legal experience to work for you. Contact Cannon Disability Law today for a free review of your Nevada mental health case.