The seven tips in this article will help you survive the wait for SSD benefits. The process to win Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income benefits (SSI) is long. The SSA denies almost 90% of claims at both stages of appeal. Therefore, most people request a hearing. By the time you get a hearing date you might have been off work for two years.
That is two years where you do not have a job. But, you still need to pay your bills. During that time bills for rent, utilities, and credit card debt build up. You may also struggle to afford health insurance. Meanwhile, you also need to pay for your medications and visits to the doctor. You need to pay for health care to treat your medical conditions. How can you afford to do all of this while you are waiting for the SSA to pay you disability benefits?
I wish I had dollar for every time clients ask that question. Unfortunately, for most of us, the time to save money for medical emergencies is already over. The smart thing to do is to save money when you have a job. Financial experts state we should save at least 6 months of living expenses in an emergency fund. Sadly, most people fail to create an emergency fund. However, even if you are one of smart ones who did, it still won’t be enough money to pay the bills for two years.
So, what should you do?
Below are some tips that you can use to help you survive the financial stress of a two year wait for SSD benefits.
This is an obvious tip, but one that many people fail to do when they can no longer work. If you do not have an income, then you need to cut excess spending. The first things to cut are things you don’t really need. For example, you can eliminate cable TV, an expensive phone plan, and streaming services. Also, if you pay for Spotify, Apple, or another streaming service, then eliminate those bills. You can get free TV channels and free streaming services.
If you spend money for internet service, then find a less expensive option. If you shop and compare prices you may find a lower price for the same service. You can also go to the library to use free internet. Additionally, you could ask your neighbor if you could share their internet. Perhaps they will let you share for free or you could pay them a lower amount than you pay the internet company.
You should also get rid of other expenses that you don’t truly need. For example, many people buy coffee at Starbucks every day. Don’t do that. Instead, make your coffee or other special drink at home. Don’t buy new clothes. Instead, thrift your clothing. Or, if you need school clothes for your children, ask your friends if they have clothes that their children have grown out of. Family members can also be a great source of clothes, dishes, towels, and other items you might need.
Finally, read money saving blogs, like The Penny Hoarder for other tips on how to stretch your money. Then, follow their advice.
Stop going out to eat. Believe it or not, buying food and making it yourself is less expensive than eating out. Especially if you eat out a lot. This includes cheap meals like Taco Bell or McDonalds. Not only do those meals add up in price, they are not healthy.
To save on food costs, you can grow a garden or share in a garden with others. For example, most communities have gardens. You can work in the garden and have a share of the harvest. Or, if you cannot physically do the work, then you can contribute funds for the garden to buy seeds or plants. You can also join a co-op. Many communities have such stores. For a small price or even some of your volunteer time, you can buy food for less money at their store.
Cut coupons. You may think this is a silly idea, but it works. If you look for coupons on items you normally buy, then you will save money. You can also ask your family members to cut coupons for you too. Also, most stores allow you to sign up for free to their store point system. If you sign up, in return for them knowing what you buy, they will send you coupons or give you a better price on groceries at their store. You could also visit Costco with a friend who has a membership. There, you can buy food in bulk.
There are also other options to get free or low cost food. For example, many churches offer free food for lunch or dinner. Most states also have free food bank. For example, you can find a free food bank in Utah. Additionally, you can look into Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). SNAP is a federal nutrition program, previously known as “food stamps,” for those with low incomes.
You must apply for SNAP in the state where you currently live. Because each state has a different application form and process, a member of your household must contact your state agency directly to apply.
You can contact your state agency by visiting your local SNAP office or visiting their website. Some states have online applications that you can complete on the state agency website.
You can also apply for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) if you have children under the age of 18. To be eligible for TANF, you must be a resident of the state in which you apply, and a U.S. citizen, legal alien or qualified alien. You must not be working and have low or very low income. You must also be one of the following:
- Have a child 18 years of age or younger, or
- Be pregnant, or
- Be 18 years of age or younger and the head of your household.
If you don’t already know how to create a budget, then it is time to learn. Track your expenses for one month to see what you are spending. Decide what expenses can be cut. Then, set a budget and stay within it. This tip is similar to cutting expenses, but once you know where you are spending your money, then you can change your habits.
Can you cut your transportation bills? Can you sell your car and take the bus instead? Some places have free bus service. Also, some cities allow you to buy a transportation pass that you can use on the bus, train, and subway. Check on using public services and see if you can shave down your transportation costs.
You could save a lot of money by not paying for gas and car insurance. You can also avoid parking fees and car upkeep costs, like oil changes and car repair. If you sell your car, then you could rent your parking space to someone else.
Is there a way you lower your utility bills? Some companies let you pay the same amount year round, instead of paying the monthly bill. This can lower your monthly utility costs to an affordable amount. Can you turn off the lights and keep the heat turned down? If so, then you will save money. You can also apply for federal assistance with your utility bills. The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps customers pay their utility bills. Get creative. You might be surprised to find that you can make different choices and it will stretch your budget.
If you have credit card debt, then you need to pay it off. Obviously, it is best to pay off credit card debt while you have a job. But, if you failed to do so, there are some options. For example, you can contact a nonprofit credit counseling agency. Credit counselors can give your advice about creating a budget and paying off debt. Usually, the credit counselors work for free. Or, they might charge a small fee.
If you decide to use a credit counseling agency, then make sure the company is really a nonprofit company. Some debt relief companies are for profit and they charge large fees. Make sure you agree with the advice they offer.
If you cannot afford to pay off your credit cards, then you can try to negotiate with the credit card company. You can call them and negotiate lower monthly payments or a lower interest rate. You could even offer to settle your debt with them by paying less, but doing so in a lump sum. Perhaps you can borrow the lump sum from a family member. Then, you could pay your family member back without interest and pay off the credit card company.
If you fail to pay child support, then even if you win SSDI benefits, those benefits can be garnished. Usually SSDI benefits are exempt from recovery by creditors. However, the federal government can garnish disability benefits to recover back taxes and student loan payments that are in default. Therefore, you should do your best to pay your child support payments, taxes, and student loan payments, while you are waiting for the SSA to grant your benefits. Because, one you win benefits, your SSDI benefits can be taken to pay those debts.
If the SSA awards you Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, then in most states you are also qualify for Medicaid benefits. The start of your Medicaid benefits begins with the date of your SSI application.
If the SSA awards you SSDI benefits, then you will also receive Medicare benefits. However, Medicare benefits do not start with the date of your SSDI application. Instead, Medicare benefits require another wait. The wait is 29 months. It includes the 5 month waiting period from the date the SSA finds you disabled and then another 24 month waiting period.
The District of Columbia and 34 states use SSI criteria to determine if people qualify for Medicaid. These states also allow the SSA to automatically enroll SSI recipients in Medicaid. Below are the states that automatically enroll you in Medicaid benefits if you win SSI:
Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Some states make their own Medicaid rules using the same income, resource, and disability criteria that the SSA uses for the SSI program. Alaska, Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and the Northern Mariana Islands all make their own Medicaid decisions using SSI criteria. That means that everyone who receives SSI in those places also qualifies for Medicaid. However, these places require you to file a separate Medicaid application.
There are nine states that have their own Medicaid criteria. The SSA calls these nine states the “209(b) states” because it was section 209(b) of the Social Security Amendments of 1972 that gave states the option of using their own Medicaid criteria. Those nine states are Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Virginia.
The exact income, resource, and disability rules for Medicaid differ from state to state among the nine states. But except for Hawaii, the 209(b) income standards for the state are fairly close to the federal SSI income limit. Some of the 209(b) states also have different rules than Social Security for what counts as income. About half of the 209(b) states use the federal SSI resource limit as the asset limit for Medicaid. The others use a lower or higher limit. You must contact Medicaid in your state to find out the income and asset limits in the state where you live.
If you don’t qualify for Medicaid, then you can apply for a health insurance under the Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare). Additionally, you might be eligible for discounts that lower your copayments or deductible.
If you hire an SSD lawyer with years of experience, then you will have a much better chance of winning SSDI and SSI benefits. Helping people win disability benefits is the only type of law our firm practices. We don’t dabble in other areas of law. Instead, we focus our time and energy on dealing with the SSA in order to win SSDI and SSI benefits.
When you are looking to hire an SSD lawyer, make sure you hire a lawyer that is an expert in SSD cases. Because, it isn’t easy to win Social Security benefits. But, having an attorney who can help you through the process can make it easier. When you have a law firm with experience handling your Social Security case, then the SSA makes sure they follow their own procedures. Review the top ten signs that you will win SSD benefits.
Additionally, when you have an attorney with legal experience, they will have access to Social Security’s decisions. Therefore, they can submit medical evidence that may be missing from your case. Additionally, if you listen to your attorney, she can tell you what medical evidence you need to win your case. Hiring the best SSD lawyer is a tip you should not ignore.
There is evidence that hiring an attorney with the proper experience raises your chances of winning your SSDI and SSI benefits by 30%. It is also smart to hire an attorney to help you with your hearing. If you hire an SSD lawyer, then they can prepare you to testify at your hearing. Learn how to prepare for your SSD hearing.
In the past 30 years, we have won millions of dollars in ongoing and past due benefits for our clients. If you want to win SSD benefits, then hire an attorney with the experience to win your case. We can do that. Contact us today.
We want to see you win all of your ongoing and past due SSD benefits. Every attorney charges the same attorney fee in Social Security cases. Therefore, you will spend the same amount of money for an attorney with years of experience as you will on a new attorney. As such, you should hire the attorney with the most experience to help you with your case.
Many law firms claim they practice Social Security law, but it isn’t really true. Instead, they dabble in SSD claims. Usually the main focus of their practice is some other area of law, like personal injury. Our firm is not like that. We are experts in Social Security law.
You can learn more about the attorneys at our law firm on our About Us page. For example, Dianna Cannon has been helping clients win SSD benefits for over thirty years. Additionally, Brett Bunkall and Andria Summers have also won thousands of SSDI and SSI cases.
Call us. If you want a free review of your SSD case, then we will walk you through your options. Our attorneys and staff can also help you apply for your SSDI and SSI benefits. If you need help at any time during your Social Security case, then contact us. Follow these tips while you are waiting for SSD benefits. Put our legal experience to work for you.