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Tag Archives: top SLC disability attorney


WHAT IS ESOPHAGEAL CANCER? Esophageal cancer is a malignant cancer that affects the digestive system. The cancer occurs in the esophagus, which is the tube that connects the throat to the stomach. Esophageal cancer may spread throughout the esophagus and it may also extend beyond the edges of the primary tumor. In general, squamous… Read More »

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WHAT IS OSTEOPOROSIS? Osteoporosis is a medical condition that occurs because bone resorption exceeds the rate of bone formation. Bone is living tissue. In order for it to be healthy, it needs to undergo a renewal process. When a person has healthy bone tissue, there is a balance when old bone is broken down… Read More »

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WHAT IS RESIDUAL FUNCTIONAL CAPACITY? Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) is one of the most important concepts in your Social Security benefits case. The reason it is so important is your RFC can make the difference between winning or losing your SSDI and SSI benefits. If you can prove that your RFC prevents you from… Read More »

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