Tag Archives: SSI lawyer in UT
WHAT IS SEDENTARY WORK? The SSA has specific rules that they use to define sedentary work. This article will discuss those rules, but it will also discuss the importance of sedentary work. Sedentary work is essentially, seated work. The reason seated work is important to the SSA is that it is physically the easiest… Read More »
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is an autoimmune disorder and it is also an inflammatory arthritic disorder. Ankylosing spondylitis is a severe condition that can affect the heart, the eyes, the lungs, and kidneys. However, AS usually causes inflammation in the spinal joints and the joints between the pelvis and the spine, called the sacroiliac (SI) joints.
The most painful symptom of AS is that it can cause “ankylosis.” This occurs when new bone forms at the site of inflammation. The new bone formation can lead to a fusion of the spinal joints. Therefore, if you have AS you may lack mobility and be unable to work. Social Security Disability benefits are available to replace your income if you can no longer work due to ankylosing spondylitis.