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Tag Archives: free disability advice

OVER 50? The “GRID” Rules Help Older Workers Win Disability Benefits

OLDER WORKERS CAN WIN SSDI BENEFITS Older workers have a better chance of winning benefits because of the way Social Security law works. The SSA knows that it is difficult for older workers to change jobs and learn new skills. Additionally, it is challenging to find a job. Most employers don’t want to hire… Read More »

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Eating disorders qualify for SSD and SSI benefits, if they keep you from working for over one year. You must have medical evidence to present to the SSA about your condition. This medical evidence should be from your treating doctor. It should discuss how your symptoms result in disability.

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Meniere’s disease is a rare disorder of the inner ear. The inner ear controls your balance and hearing. If you have a disorder of your inner ear, then it is likely you will suffer hearing loss. Along with hearing loss, Ménière’s disease also causes vertigo and loss of balance. If you have Ménière’s disease,… Read More »

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